Friday, January 14, 2011

Cheat Days.....

Everybody want to know about cheat days when dieting....Are they good or bad?  The truth is that they are great for weight loss.  They really do work. 

The best way to cheat is to pick a day and have 2 cheat meals in the same day.  This will increase your metabolism so that when you return to your diet the following day your metabolism is still elevated, but your food intake is back down.  This will result in more calories being burned the day after cheating. 

Note:  If you step on the scale at the end of a cheat day and your weight is up, don't panic.  This is probably water weight from eating extra carbs.  It will go away in a few days.  When carbohydrate is in the body, the body holds onto water....when the carbs are gone, so is the water.....and the weight.  Make sense?

Cheat days also help you feel less deprived.  They give you something to look forward to.  Cheat meals should consist of foods that you are not eating on your diet.  If you eat chicken twice a day....don't have chicken as a "cheat".  The different cheat foods will give you vitamins and other nutrients you may not be getting during a restrictive diet.  Your body is craving sugar and fat during this diet so supply it with plenty on your cheat day. pizza, bread, pasta, burgers, nuts, fruits, even ice cream.....

Try not to drink your extra calories  (soft drinks, alcohol, etc)  These are empty calories.  Remember you want to feel satisfied this day during the week so eat slow and enjoy.  Drinking empty calories will not satisfy your hunger and it will not add vitamins or minerals to your diet.

In Good Health,

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