Saturday, January 1, 2011

Weight Loss Basics

If you are serious about weight loss.....use the following guidelines to ensure success while food logging:

1)   Keep your calories per day between 1200-1300

2)   To find out how much protein you need, take your weight and multiply X .8
For example, someone weighing 145 lbs would eat 116 grams of protein per day (145 X .8 = 116)
This will give you the number of grams of protein needed per day to maintain your current muscle mass.
If you want to add lean muscle mass, multiply your weight X 1.0
For example, someone weighing 145 lbs would eat 145 grams of protein per day (145 X 1.0 = 145)

3)   Keep carbohydrates between 100-130 grams per day

4)   Keep fats between 30-40 grams per day

***There are 4 calories in every gram of protein....if I eat 145 grams of protein during the day then I multiply that times 4 which will account for 580 calories.  That's how many calories will come from protein during one day....

***There are 9 calories in every gram of fat...if I eat 30 grams of  fats during the day then I multiply that times 9 which will account for 270 calories.  That's how many calories will come from fat during the day...

***There are 4 calories in every gram of carbohydrate....if I eat 100 grams of carbohydrate during the day then I multiply that times 4 which will account for 400 calories.  That's how many calories will come from carbohydrate during the day...

Add all three calorie totals and you get 1250 total calories consumed during the day (580 + 270 + 400 = 1250)......

See  for the nutritional breakdown of calories, protein, carbs, and fats for your food logs.....

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